Reception for the Abbot Investiture of Khen Rinpoche May 10, 2012
Reception for Khen Rinpoche Nicholas Vreeland's Abbot Investiture Produced, filmed and edited by Sean Webley and Lina Dorado May 10, 2012 at Talavera Studios NYC, NY
His Holiness the Dalai Lama | May 2010
THURSDAY, MAY 20, 2010 AT 10:00PM
In partnership for the fifth time, The Tibet Center and Healing the Divide were privileged to host His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New York City in May 2010. This visit took place over four days, from May 20 to 23, 2010.
Spiritual Approaches to Achieving Inner Peace.
June 2008
Organized in collaboration with Columbia University and The Tibet Center and brainchild of Columbia student Leeza Mangaldas, Living Peace: Spiritual Approaches to Achieving Inner Peace was a series of seminars and workshops where teachers and leaders of different faith backgrounds presented their respective techniques for realizing inner peace.
We believe that if each individual accomplishes inner peace, we can then take small steps towards achieving global peace. Cultivating a sense of peace internally, at every level of our social structure – within the community, within the family, within the self – is essential for the achievement of world peace.
Living Peace seeks to offer the New York City community practical exposure to different ways of achieving and maintaining inner peace, and promoting awareness of the importance of this state.
Kalachakra Temple 2001
This statue of Kalachakra, Wheel of Time, was commissioned by Khyongla Rato Rinpoche with the participation of members and friends of The Tibet Center. It commemorates the bestowal of the Kalachakra initiation in New York City in 1991 by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, given at the request of Richard Gere and The Tibet Center. It was sculpted by the master statue maker of the Tibetan Government in Exile, Penpa Dorjee, under the guidance of His Holiness.
Kalachakra Initiation 1991
Buddhist Tantra is a method by which a practitioner can attain the ultimate state of enlightenment most rapidly. In order to enter the Tantric path we must have a profound desire to help others, extraordinary compassion wishing to remove their suffering, and vast loving kindness wishing to provide them with all they need and wish for. We must also have some realization of the ultimate truth, the emptiness of inherent existence of ourselves and all phenomena.
One year after Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment, he gave his most important teaching on the ultimate truth. He delivered this sermon on Vulture’s Peak, in what is today the state of Bihar, India. The Buddha simultaneously manifested in Amaravathi, in the state of Andra Pradesh, in order to initiate the kind of Shambhala into the Tantric practice of Kalachakra, Wheel of Time. The Kalachakra Tantra subsequently became the state religious practice of Shambhala.
In 1991 Richard Gere and The Tibet Center invited His Holiness the Dalai Lama to New York City to bestow the Kalachakra initiation. Members of the Center worked for a whole year preparing the many implements and furnishings that would be needed for the ceremony. An elaborate throne was built for His Holiness, as was a Mandala House, the structure in which a sand Mandala was created by the many monks from Namgyal Monastery who came to assist His Holiness in this most elaborate Tantric rite of initiation.
His Holiness preceded the initiation by teaching Shantideva’s Engaging in the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, so that the aspiring initiates could cultivate the required aspirations of compassion, loving kindness, and most importantly, Bodhicitta, the commitment to attaining Buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings.
Kalachakra Chapel