Mystical Dimension of Tsongkhapa with Thupten Jinpa: Subtle Levels of Experience

Lama Zopa Rinpoche congratulates Khen Rinpoche Nicholas on appointment

TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2012 AT 5:10PM

Zopa Rinpoche congratulates Khen Rinpoche Nicholas on appointment in the new July 2012 Mandala magazine...​


"Nicky's actions have been that of a serious and proper disciple of [Khyongla] Rinpohce. He as built Rato Gompa with so much thought and research, he deserves to be abbot." ~ Lama Zopa Rinoche

Pick up the new July / Sept 2012 edition of Mandala for this and other fpmt articles.

PBS/Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly's Kim Lawton interviews Khen Rinpoche Nicholas Vreeland 

FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2012 AT 2:31PM

​Long-Lost Lama by Tim McGirk of Time AsiaAn Exiled Tibetan Lama returns home after 44 years to find a culture under siege. ​

​Long-Lost Lama by Tim McGirk of Time Asia

An Exiled Tibetan Lama returns home after 44 years to find a culture under siege. ​