June Teachings

Photo: Jane L. WechslerJune was chock full of teachings at The Tibet Center. The Venerable Khyongla Rato Rinpoche gave three lectures on the Three Principal Aspects of the Path with Ven. Nicholas Vreeland translating, and on June 28 visiting lecturer Jigme Neal taught on Tong Len.

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Thubten Tsering Lingtsang

Guest lecturer Thubten Tsering Lingtsang spoke on "The Life of Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, Senior Tutor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama."

At the age of 13, Thubten Tsering Lingtsang was appointed by the government of Tibet to the post of attendant to the late Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, a task he performed  to the end of Rinpoche’s life. He is currently the administrator of Ling Labrang, the household of the current Ling Rinpoche.

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